Association "Automation directions in museums and information technologies" (ADIT)

About us


Association "Automation directions in museums and information technologies" is an association of professionals in the field of digital technologies in culture. Established in 1996, ADIT has over 100 individual and corporate members. ADIT is a platform for mutually beneficial cooperation and exchange of best practices. This is a community of professionals capable of designing information systems, producing multimedia products, creating websites and mobile applications, maintaining electronic archives and much more. The main event of ADIT is the annual conference, which every time take place in different regions, from Vladivostok (2021) to Kaliningrad (2022) and from Minsk (2011) to Solovki (2006) and Khanty-Mansiisk (2013). The 2023 Conference took place in Murmansk, 2024 in Omsk and for 2025 we are planning to be in Krasnoyarsk.


In addition to the Annual conference, ADIT offers various forms of educational activities in digital transformation of cultural institutions. In 2020, amid a pandemic, we organized series of 11 webinars dedicated to the adaptation of museums and their staff to work in new conditions.

Our traditional conference has also been moved to an online format and named ADIT HOME 2020.

In the 2020 ADIT design workshops, the Moodle distance learning platform, specially deployed on our website Moodle distance learning platform , was used. Employees of more than 40 museums from 26 regions of Russia took part in our December workshops.

Recordings of webinars and conference sessions can be viewed on our Youtube channel.

Last ADIT confrerences were: 2021 - Vladivostok, 2022 - Kaliningrad, 2023 - Murmansk, 2024 - Omsk.

Next, 29th Annual Conference is planned to be in Krasnoyarsk and Yeniseysk in the beginning of Jun 2025

School of schools

Educational event ADIT, where schoolchildren, together with museum educators and representatives of the company, develop children's audio guides on cities and museum expositions.
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A two or three days seminar dedicated to the development of an information and communication strategy for a museum with the participation of ADIT experts and representatives of central and regional museums
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Meetings, lectures, discussions, analysis of project ideas
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Motivating and educational webinars on a wide variety of issues - from organizing remote workplaces to psychological support for employees in a pandemic era
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ADIT President (2011-2022), Member of Presidium, ICOM RUSSIA, Director of Far East Museum of Arts, Khabarovsk

Nathalie Tolstoï

Honorary Member of the Presidium

Co-founder of ADIT, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Museology, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia

Lev Nol

Honorary Member of the Presidium

Co-founder of ADIT, Director of the Rybinsk State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve, Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region, Russia

Sergey Tcherkalin

Honorary Member of the Presidium

Associate Professor, Department of Museology, Russian State University for the Humanities, Head of the Exhibition Sector of the State Geological Museum, Vernadsky Russian Academy of Sciences, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, Moscow, Russia

Viktoriya Chernenko

Honorary Member of the Presidium

Expert of the creative group "Museum Solutions" , leading specialist of the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences

Alexander Aramonov

Member of the Presidium

Head of the education digital project "School of Schools" (ADIT), external teacher, Department of Museology, Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow

Tatiana Nikolaeva

Member of the Presidium

Scientific secretary of the Totma Museum Association (Vologda region), Candidate of Cultural Studies, founder and moderator of the "Museum recoords forever" group on Facebook

Maria Pravdina

Member of the Presidium

Independent expert consultant in the field of museum and library development and international cultural cooperation, member of the expert board of the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation, Moscow, Russia

Olga Sinitsyna

Member of the Presidium

Head of the Department for automated systems, technologies and communications, Polytechnic Museum, Moscow

Mikhail Yakovenko

Member of the Presidium

Manager for development, izi.TRAVEL; web site administator of State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

Oxana Turskaya

Member of the Presidium

Chief Curator, Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve, Yaroslavl

Vera Tchebunina

Member of the Presidium

Head of the Digital Museum development Council, ICOM Russia, curator of digital projects, State Hermitage Museum, Sankt-Petersburg

Ilia Tambovtsev

Member of the Presidium

President of ADIT, Deputy General Director, State Museum of L.N. Tolstoy, Moscow

Nadezhda Petrova


PhD (University of Leicester, UK), Ideas for Museums NGO, Director, Moscow

Anna Mikhailova

Member of the Presidium

Head of Library Services, Museums of Moscow Kremlin, secretary of ADIT

Svetlana Kostanyan

Member of the Presidium


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2021, 2022

Archive versions of ADIT sites

2002-2013 / by Viktor Stepanov (Museums of Moscow Kremlin)

2014-2020 / Aleksandr Artamonov (